GK cÖKvi evK¨ Ab¨ GK cÖKvi ev‡K¨ iæcvšÍwiZ Kiv‡K Transformation of Sentences e‡j|
2 fv‡e evK¨ cwieZ©b Kiv hvqt
K) ev‡K¨i A‡_©i
cwieZ©b NwU‡q|
L) ev‡K¨i A‡_©i
cwieZ©b bv NwU‡q|
Affirmative †K negative I
interrogative G cwieZ©bt
A‡_©i cwieZ©b K‡it
Present I past indefinite tense Gi †h me ev‡K¨ am, is, are, was, were, etc g~j ev principal verb wnmv‡e e¨envi
nq Zv‡`i‡K Negative Ki‡Z n‡j H verb ¸‡jvi c‡i not emv‡Z nq Ges Interrogative Ki‡Z n‡j H verb ¸‡jv‡K Subject Gi Av‡M emv‡Z
I am a boy.
I am not a boy.
Am i a boy?
He is a student.
He is not a student.
Is he a student?
They were happy.
They were not happy.
Were they happy?
We are good men.
We are not good men.
Are we good men?
He was absent.
He was not absent.
Was he absent?
A‡_©i cwieZ©b bv K‡it
wKQz wKQz evK¨
Av‡Q hv wPišÍb mZ¨, Af¨vm, ¯^iæc, HwZnvwmK eZ©gvb BZ¨vw` cÖKvk K‡i e‡j H me
evK¨ †K GK iƒc †_‡K Ab¨ iƒ‡c ‡bIqvi mgq G‡`i A‡_©i K_v we‡ePbv Ki‡Z nq| KviY
g~j A_© †hb wecixZ bv n‡q hvq †m w`‡K jÿ ivLv cÖ‡qvRb| ‡hgbt Man is mortal. (gvbyl giYkxj)
evK¨wU‡K hw` Gfv‡e Negative Kiv nq Man is not mortal. (gvbyl giYkxj
bq) Zvn‡j Zv GK wPišÍb m‡Z¨i wecixZ n‡q Øvivq| AZGe evK¨wU‡K Ggb fv‡e Negative Ki‡Z n‡e †hb
Gi A_© AcwiewZ©Z _v‡K| †hgbt Man is not Immortal. (gvbyl Agi bq) A_ev No man is Immortal (‡Kvb gvbyl Agi bq)|
More Examples:
He is wish.
He is not unwish.
He is a good man.
He is not a bad man.
The shirt is dirty.
The shirt is not clean.
He is kind.
He is not rude. (wb`©q)
The boy is active.
The boy is not lazy.
A‡_©i cwieZ©b K‡it ‡h me Affirmative ev‡K¨i g~j verb †Kvb be- verb bq Zv‡`i †K Negative Ki‡Z n‡j verb Gi Av‡M Subject I tense Abyhvqx auxiliary verb + not emv‡Z n‡e Ges
g~j verb Gi (Perfect I tense ev‡` Ab¨vb¨ †ÿ‡Î) Present iƒc e¨envi n‡e|
Auxiliary verb ¸‡jv n‡e wb¤œiƒct
Present Indefinite Tense
Do, does
Present Perfect Tense
have, has
Present Continuous Tense
am, is, are
Past Indefinite Tense
Past Continuous Tense
was, were
Past Perfect Tense
Future Indefinite Tense
Shall, will
Future Continuous Tense
Shall be, will be
I go there.
I do not go there.
Do I go there?
I helped him.
I did not help him.
Did I help him?
He broke it.
He did not break it.
Did he break it?
I shall go.
I shall not go.
Shall I go?
He will come.
He will not come.
Will he come?
A‡_©i cwieZ©b bv K‡it
He obeys me.
He does not disobey me.
Everybody likes flower.
There is no body who does not like flowers.
Everybody has some needs.
There is no body who has no needs.
Rule 1. Affirmative evK¨ Every w`‡q ïiæ n‡j, Ges evK¨wUi verb ‡K cwieZ©b Kiv †M‡j Every Gi ¯’‡j no
emv‡bv hvq|
Aff.: Every man must fall prey to (wkKvi nIqv) death.
Neg.: No man can avoid death.
Aff.: Every one loves him.
Neg.: No one hates him.
Rule 2. Affirmative ev‡K¨ always _vK‡j Negative G Never emv‡Z nq Ges Zvi GKwU verb ev noun ev
adjective cwieZ©b Ki‡Z nq
Aff.: We should always speak the truth.
adj v n
Neg.: We should never tell a lie.
adj v n
Rule 3. Affirmative evK¨ as soon as w`‡q ïiæ n‡j Negative evK¨ no sooner had w`‡q ïiæ n‡e|
Aff.: As
soon as I arrived home, it begin to rain.
Neg.: No sooner had I arrived home than it begin to rain.
Rule 4. Affirmative G all _vK‡j Negative G no e¨envi Ki‡Z nq Ges Affirmative ev‡K¨i adjective ev
verb ‡K cwiewZ©Z K‡i wecixZv_©K Ki‡Z nq|
Aff.: All men here are poor.
Neg.: No men here are rich.
Rule 5. Affirmative G Subject Gi Av‡M hw` only _v‡K Zvn‡j Zv‡Z Negative Ki‡Z n‡j none but e¨envi
Ki‡Z nq|
Aff.: Only allah can help us.
Neg.: None but allah can help us.
Rule 6. Affirmative G sometimes _vK‡j Negative G not always em‡e|
Aff.: He sometimes smoke.
Neg.: He does not always smoke.
Rule 7. Affirmative G many _vK‡j Negative
G (not) a few Ges Affirmative G a few _vK‡j
Negative G (not) many e‡m| Affirmative G a little ev much _vK‡j Negative
(not) much ev (not) a little e¨envi n‡e|
Aff.: There are many people here.
Neg.: There are not a few people here.
Aff.: I want much milk.
Neg.: I do not want a
little milk.
Rule 8. Affirmative G for ever ev for good _vK‡j Negative G
Never e¨envi
Kiv nq| GQviv verb ‡K
Ggb ev‡e cwieZ©b Ki‡Z n‡e †hb Zv wecixZv_©K
A_© cÖKvk K‡i|
Aff.: He has lift the village forever.
Neg.: He will never come to the village again. (ms‡ÿwcZ)

Positive : NP
+ be +a/an + adj + NP
+......... She is a good girl in the class.

Comparative : NP
+ be + adj (Comparative) + than + any other + NP
+ .........

She is better than any other girl
in the class.
(any other Gi cwie‡Z© all other ee¨nvi Kiv
hv‡e Z‡e NP
Gi plural from n‡e|

Superlative: NP+be+the+adj
(superlative) + NP +.........
She is the best girl in the class.
GLv‡b Positive Gi A_© comparative G Gm cwiewZ©Z
n‡q‡Q KviY †m GKRb fvj †g‡q ej‡j GUv
eySvq bv †h †m Ab¨ KviI ‡P‡q fvj Aek¨ comparative Ges Superlative G G‡`i g‡a¨ A‡_©i †Kvb cwieZ©b nq bv| AZGe comparative Ges Superlative Gi A_© hw` Positive G AcwiewZ©Z
ivL‡Z nq Zvn‡j wb¤œ wjwLZ fv‡e Positive
Ki‡Z n‡e|

No other +NP
+ ...... + be + as + adj + as + NP

‡hgbt Com: He is better than any other
boy in the class.
Sup: He is the best boy in class.
No other boy in the class is as good as he.
Mirtika is the wisest girl in the family.
Mirtika is wiser than any other girl in the family.
No other girl in the family is as wise as Mirtika.

‡m‡ÿ‡Î Zv‡K Positive Ki‡Z n‡j
wb‡¤œ wjwLZ wbqg Aby¯^iY Ki‡Z n‡e|
NP2+ be + not
+ so + adj + us + NP1 ‡hgb, Karim is not so strong us Rahim.
Com: Moheni
is wiser than Mirtika.
Mirtika is not wise us Moheni.

NP1 + be + us + adj + us +
NP2 ‡hgbt He is us strong us Rana Masud.

Dc‡ii evK¨wUi Comparative iƒc n‡e; Rana Masud is not stronger than he (is).

NP1 + be + one of the + adj. (superlative) + NP2 (Plural) + Phrase
‡hgbt His on of the best boy in Bangladesh .

NP1 + be + adj. (Comp.) + than + many other + NP2 (Plurol) + Phrase
‡hgbt Dc‡ii
evK¨wUi Comparative n‡et He is better than many other boys in Bangladesh .
(‡m evsjv‡`‡ki
A‡bK †Q‡ji †P‡q fvj)

Very few + NP2 (Plural) + Phrase + be + us + adj + us + NP1
‡hgbt Very few
boys in Bangladesh
are us good us he (evsjv‡`‡k Lye Kg msL¨K †Q‡jivB
Zvi gZ fvj|)
Rule 1. Simple sentence Gi verb Gi c‡i hw` GK ev GKvwaK Word Gi GKwU Object _v‡K Ges Zv ‡Kvb ¯’vb †K bv eySvq Zvn‡j H Object ‡K GKwU Clause Gi cwiewZ©Z
K‡i evK¨wU‡K Complex G iƒcvwšÍZ Kiv n‡e| G‡ÿ‡Î Object wUi Av‡M What ewm‡q Zvi (Object - Gi ) c‡i cÖ‡qvRbxq verb emv‡Z nq| hw` Which e¨envi Kiv m¤¢e nq Zvn‡j Zv H Object Gi c‡i em‡e
Ges Zvici verb em‡e|
Examples: Simple: I saw his pen.
Complex: I saw the pen which was his.
Rule 2. Object wU hw` ‡Kvb RvqMv ev ¯’vb eySvq Zvn‡j Zvi Av‡M where Ges Zv hw` †Kvb mgq eySvq Zvn‡j Zvi
Av‡M When e‡m|
Examples: Simple: I know his birthday.
Complex: I know when he was born.
or I know the day that he was born.
Rule 3. Simple
sentence hw` NP + be + too + adj. + to + verb Giƒc nq Zvn‡j Zv‡K complex Ki‡Z
n‡j evK¨‡K wb¤œiƒc
wbqg Aby¯^iY Ki‡Z n‡e| NP + be + so + adj. + NP + can not + verb.
Examples: Sim: He is too foolish to understand it.
Com: He is so foolish that he can not
understand it.
Rule 4. Simple
sentence hw` NP1 + be + too + adj. + for + NP2 + to + verb Giƒc nq Z‡e Complex
n‡e wb¤œiƒc fv‡e|
NP1 + be + so + adj. + NP2 + can
not + verb + pronoun Ki‡Z n‡e
Examples: Sim: The box is too heavy for me to carry.
Com: This box is so heavy that I can
not carry it.
Rule 4. Simple
sentence Gi cÖ_‡g hw` verb + ing _v‡K Zvn‡j Zv‡K Complex Ki‡Z n‡e
When + NP +
verb +.......... G‡ÿ‡Î NP wU Simple Sentence Gi cieZx© Ask
†_‡K wb‡Z n‡e| Ges verb Gi Tense n‡e Simple Sentence Gi Tense Gi Abyiƒc|
Examples: Sim: Completing the work, He felt satisfied.
Com: When he completed the work, He felt
Rule 5. Simple
sentence Gi cÖ_‡g hw` having +
V.P.P + ......... _v‡K Zvn‡j Zv‡K Complex G cwiewZ©Z Ki‡Z n‡j H Ask UzKz‡K wb¤œ iƒ‡c cwiewZ©Z Ki‡Z n‡e|
When + NP + had + V.P.P........
Examples: Sim: Having heard the news, he carried out is sorrow.
Com: When he had heard the news, she
carried out in the sorrow
Rule 6. Simple
sentence G in order to _vK‡j Zv‡K Complex Ki‡Z n‡j in order to
Zz‡j w`‡q Zvi ¯’‡j in order that + NP + may/so
that + NP + may emv‡Z n‡e|
Examples: Sim: We earn money in order to live a happy life.
Com: We earn money so that we may live
a happy life.
Rule 7. Simple
Sentence G in spite of
_vK‡j Complex G though/al though e¨envi Ki‡Z
Examples: Sim: In spite of his poverty, he is happy.
Com: Though he is poor, he is
Rule 1.
Simple Sentence G hw` to + verb ‡Kvb D‡Ïk¨ eySvq wKsev hw` in order to _v‡K Zvn‡j Zv‡K
Compound Ki‡Z n‡j in order to ev to + verb Gi evg cv‡ki
AskUzKz (v+o/-) mvRv‡Z n‡e A_©¨vr Zv‡K Imperative sentence Gi gZ K‡i MwVZ
Ki‡Z n‡e Ges in order to
w`‡q ev to + verb _vK‡j to Zz‡j w`‡q and (you will) emv‡Z n‡e|
Examples: Sim:
You must
hard in order to succeed.

hard and (you will)

Rule 2. Simple Sentence hw` by + v (ing) Øviv MwVZ Zvn‡j
Zv‡K wb¤œiƒ‡c Compound iƒcvwšÍZ Ki‡Z
Examples: Sim:
By eating a balanced died, we can be
Com: We eat a balanced diet and we can be healthy.
Rule 3. Simple Sentence hw` without + v (ing) Øviv MwVZ nq
Zvn‡j Zv‡K Complex Ki‡Z n‡j or ev otherwise e¨envi Ki‡Z
Examples: Sim:
Without reading hard, you cannot
Read hard of (otherwise) you will not
Rule 4.
Simple Sentence G hw` for _v‡K Ges Zv in
order to Gi gZ D‡Ïk¨ eySvq Zvn‡j Zv‡K Compound
Ki‡Z †M‡j in order to Gi †ÿ‡Î †h c×wZ
Aby¯^iY Kiv n‡q‡Q Zv Aby¯^iY Ki‡Z n‡e|
Examples: Sim: You should work hard for

Work hard and (you will) 

Rule 5.
mgq pronoun Gi possessive case Gi ci verb + ing ewm‡q Compound Sentence ‡K
Simple Sentence G cwieZ©b Kiv hvq|
Examples: Sim: He was kicked out from the stage and were
surprised at it.
Com: We
were surprised at his being kicked out from the stage.
Simple to Complex and Complex to
Examples: Simple : He was the first body
to win the prize.
Complex : He was the first body who won the prize.
Rule 1. Complex sentence Gi GKwU Cluse hw` as soon as, no sooner had, hardly
had, scarcely had, w`‡q ïiæ nq Zvn‡j Zv‡K Compound G iƒcvšÍwiZ Ki‡Z n‡j Zvi wecixZ Cluse Gi †k‡l at once Gi `ywU Ges g‡a¨ emv‡Z n‡e|
Examples: Complex : As soon as we reached there, the rain
Compound : We reached there and the rain started at once.
Rule 2. Complex Sentence Gi GKwU Cluse hw` if you Øviv MwVZ nq ev if Cluse nq Zv‡nj Zv‡K
compound G iƒcvšÍwiZ Ki‡Z n‡e|
1. Complex Sentence wU hw` affirmative ev nu¨v-‡evaK
nq Zvn‡j if you Zz‡j w`‡q verb Gi c‡i and emv‡Z
2. Complex Sentence wU bv-‡evaK nq ev negative nq Zvn‡j if you do not Zz‡j w`‡q verb Gi †k‡l or emv‡Z nq|
Examples: Complex : If you study, you will pass.
Compound : Study
and you will pass.
Rule 2.
Complex Sentence GKwU Cluse Gi Av‡M hw` though
although _v‡K Zvn‡j Zv‡K
compound G iƒcvšÍwiZ Ki‡Z n‡j though/although Gi cwie‡Z© cluse wU Av‡M †j‡L Zvici but wjL‡Z n‡e Ges Zvici though ev although Gi Av‡M (
A_©¨vr Dc‡i) cluse ev Ask UzKz
emv‡Z n‡e|
Examples: Complex : Though he was poor, he was honest.
Compound : He was
poor but (he was) honest.