i) Introduction
wb‡Pi evK¨`ywU co
If you come, I shall go, (hw`
Zzwg Avm, (Zvn‡j) Avwg hve)
Where I a king, I would help you.
(Avwg hw` ivRv nZvg, (Zvn‡j) †Zvgv‡K mvnvh¨

jÿ Ki cÖwZwU ev‡K¨B GKwU K‡i kZ© ev Condition cÖKvwkZ
n‡”Q| Bs‡iRx kZ©g~jK ev‡K¨i †h Ask ev Clause wU Øviv G kZ©wU cÖKvwkZ nq Zvi
Av‡M mvaviYZ If
_v‡K| G‡K e‡j If Clause, GBiƒc If Clause hy³ evK¨‡K e‡j Open Conditional Sentence, Ges If Clause wenxb
†Kvb ev‡K¨ hw` †Kvb kZ© cÖKvk K‡i Zvn‡j Zv‡K e‡j Closed Conditional Sentence. AZGe
†h †Kvb ev‡K¨ †Kvb kZ© cÖKvwkZ n‡j Zv‡K e‡j Conditional Sentence.
Conditional Sentence ‡K k‡Z©i
KvRwU NUvi m¤¢e¨Zvi Dci wfwË K‡i 3 fv‡M fvM Kiv nq|
a) Probable Conditional
b) Improbable Conditional Sentence
c) Impossible Conditional
Avevi Sentence G If Clause Gi
Dcw¯’wZi Dci wfwË K‡i Zv‡`i †K ev Conditional Sentence †K 2 fv‡M fvM Kiv nq|
a) Open Conditional Sentence
b) Closed Conditional Sentence
iii) Elaborate
Variations of the basic From
Conditional Sentence:
Giƒc Conditional Sentence G If Clause G †h
KvRwU D‡jøL _v‡K Zv NUv cy‡ivcywi m¤¢e| Gi Av‡iKwU ˆewkó¨ n‡jvt cÖvqB
Ø If Clause Gi Verb wU Present Tense G cÖKvwkZ nq|
Ø Main Clause Gi Verb wU Future Tense G
cÖKvwkZ nq|
Examples: If
You Come, I Shall go.
you are happy, Your Mother will be happy.
you rains, We will get wet.
you Study hard, You will pass.
d) If+present+may/might(Possibility-m¤¢vebv )
Ex. If you can earn enough
money, You may be happy.
Ex. If the driver is not
expert, there/may might be can accident.
e) If + present + may
(permission AbygwZ)
If + present + can (ability mvg_©¨
Ex. If you ready, You may start machine (permission ev
AbygwZ eySv‡”Q|)
f) If + present + must, should,
had better . . . etc.
Ex. If you want to pass, You must Study hard
If you want
to live better, eat a balanced diet.
g) If + present + present
Ex. If man drinks poison, he dies.
prices are high, demand is decreased.
3. Variations of the if Clause
a) If + present continuous
If he is starting a new business, he
will succeed
b) If + present perfect
Ex. If mother has cook rice, we will
B) Improbable Conditional Sentence:
Ø If clause Gi verb wU past indefinite tense G cÖKvwkZ nq
Ø main clause Gi verb wU wb¤œiæc fv‡e MwVZ nqt


GB verb wU n‡jv to wenxb infinitive, Gi mv‡_ s, es, ing,
ed, wKQzB hy³ nq bv| GiKg verb Gi tense ‡K e‡j Conditional
Ex. If I
were you, I would live in a grand house ( Avwg hw` Zzwg
nZvg Zvn‡j GKwU weivU evwo‡Z evm KiZvg)
if I worked
in this factory, I would draw a good salary ( Avwg
hw` G KviLvbvq KvR KiZvg Zvn‡j fvj †eZb †cZvg)|
Variation of the if clause
If + past Continuous
Ex. If he was reading in this school, he would learn
many things.
If + past perfect
Ex. If you
had done this, you would not suffer now
C.1) Impossible Conditional Sentence
If clause wU †h Kv‡Ri
K_v e‡j Zv AZxZ Kv‡ji NUbvi K_v wQj A_©vr kZ©wU AZxZKv‡ji| H kZ©wU c~ib nqwb
e‡j GLb Avi c~ib Kiv m¤¢e bq|
if + sub + had + v.p.p + sub + would have + v.p.p + object
Ex. If I had known that you were in the library, I
would have met you.
you had asked him, he would have helped you. (Zywg
hw` Zv‡K Aby‡iva Ki‡Z Zvn‡j †m Avgv‡K mvnvh¨ KiZ)|
If I had
worked hard in my youth, I would not have suffered.
Rules Gi cvkvcvwk MCQ ms‡hvRbt
Rules: 1 If + present indefinite tense + verb + will/can/may/must +
p.v. (1st) + evKx Ask|
If I have money, I will buy a new car
If it stop raining, you can go
If you study hard, you must get A+
if you have enough money, you may buy a costly car.
Rules 2: wKš‘ habitual fact n‡j if + present Indefinite tense
+ present Indefinite tense.

If he has time, he usually walks to school.
If man drinks poison, he dies.
If prices are high, demand decreases
Rules 3: If + present indefinite tense + command from
1. If you go to the post office, mail
this letter.
If you get the news from Promy, pass this others.
Rules 4: If + past indefinite tense + sub + would/could/might + be +
+ . . . .
If he had money, he would be happy
If I worked hard, I might be rich.
Rules 5: If + past indefinite tense + sub + would/could/might + v.p.
(1st) + . . . .
1. If we had time, we would go to london .
If they studied hard, they all of the above pass the exam.
Rules 6: If + past perfect tense + sub + would have/might have/ could
have + v.p. + (3rd ). . . .
If we had had money, we would have bought a new car.
If I had found her address, I might have written her.
He would have passed in the exam if he had studied much.
Rules 7: If + past perfect tense + sub + would have been/might have
been/ could have been +
Noun/pronoun/adjective. . . .
1. If they had had much money, they
might have been happy.
2. If she had studied hard, she could
have been a good student.
3. If she had gone there, she could have
been happy.
Rules 8: Had + sub + verb Gi past participle + . . . . .+ sub + would have/might have +
verb Gi
participle + evKx Ask.
Had she found the right buyer, she might have sold the house.
Had they given money to the people, they would have made them happy.

Had we reached the station , we would have celebrated the
Rules 9: Had + sub + p.v. (3rd ) + . . . . ., sub + would
have been/might have been/could have been +
1. Had we served the country, the
country could have been flourished.
2. Had we respected our parents, we
would have been the greatest son of the soil.
3. Had I had money , I might have been
Rules 10: Had + sub + been + noun/ pronoun/adjective +
..............., sub + would have/could have/might have + p.v. (3rd)
+ .............
1. Had I been a king, I would have
helped the poor.
2. Had I been the president of the Bangladesh ,
I would have alleviated poverty.
3. Had you been a moneyed man, you would
have done something for society.
Rules 11: Had + sub + been + noun/ pronoun/adjective +
..............., sub + would have/could
have/might have + been +
noun/pronoun/adjective +...........
1. Had I been a good student, I would
have alleviated poverty.
2. Had I been a prime minister, I would
have been powerful man.
Rules 11: If+ sub + were + noun/ pronoun/adjective + sub + would
/could /might + p.v.
1. If I were a king, I would help the
2. If
they were rich, they would serve
the country.
If+ sub + were + noun/ pronoun/adjective + sub + would have /could have
/might have +
p.v. (3rd)+...........
1. If I were a king, I would have helped
the poor.
2. If they were rich, they would have
served the country.